
Price list

100 minutes: 1 500 CZK

1 minute: 18 CZK

Positive effects of solarium

A visit to the solarium brings, among other things, interesting positive effects, in particular:

  • Synthesis of vital vitamin D3
  • Strengthening the immune system - prevention against viruses
  • Improving blood circulation
  • Serotonin production - prevention of winter depression (SAD)
  • Less sweet taste (especially in winter)
  • Positive effect on sexual activity and regularity of menstruation in women
  • Improving the feeling of personal satisfaction


How to sunbathe

The solarium is intended primarily for healthy people. Persons suffering from skin diseases or allergies may use this device only after consulting a doctor and must consult the operator during the application. Customers who take medicines - especially antibiotics, customers with eye anomalies, after eye surgery, pregnant women and customers with allergies must consult their doctor before using the tanning bed before the first tanning session. Some drugs in combination with UV radiation can cause complications, such as allergies. The solarium must not be used by people who get sunburn without tanning when tanning in the sun (phototype I) and by people under the age of 18. The customer, together with the staff, determines the skin type - sensitivity to sunlight. Skin phototypes - division of skin into groups.

  • Skin type I - skin noticeably light, rusty hair, blue eyes, usually never tanned, high tendency to sunburn and sunburn, only reddening, not browning.
  • Skin type II - fair skin, blond hair, blue to gray eyes, worse tan, slight tendency to sunburn and sunburn, mostly red, only sometimes brown.
  • Skin type III - normal skin, blond to brown hair, gray to brown eyes, tans well, low tendency to sunburn and sunburn. The skin turns red and then browns.
  • Skin type IV - skin light brown to olive, hair and eyes dark, tans very well, no tendency to sunburn and sunburn, never turns red, always browns.


Safety instructions - Instructions for the customer

  • Sunbathe slowly and only once a day. A one-day break between two sunbathers is recommended and you should not be exposed to sunlight on the same day. You can maintain the achieved tan at a tanning frequency of twice a week.
  • The tanning time for a device with a facial tanner should be a maximum of 4 - 15 minutes.
  • Be sure to observe the maximum tanning time of 15 minutes. The initial tanning time should be chosen according to the phototype of the skin and your own experience of staying in the sun. People who do not sunbathe in the natural sun are not affected by the solarium. Before sunbathing, make-up should be removed and cosmetics, including deodorants and perfume, it is advisable to take a shower. Before and after sunbathing, it is advisable to use protective creams approved for solariums.
  • When sunbathing, wear safety goggles that are available from the operator. In case of visual impairment or eye lens surgery, it is always necessary to use safety goggles.
  • After sunbathing, the skin needs care. Use a suitable cream.
  • Observe good hygiene when sunbathing.


The solarium must not be used:

  • Persons under the age of 18
  • People suffering from heartburn
  • Persons without the ability to tan at all or without the ability to tan without burning their skin when exposed to the sun's rays
  • People who have, or have had in the past, skin cancer, or who have a predisposition to skin cancer
  • People who are closely related to a person with a history of melanoma
  • People taking light-sensitive medicines

Skin type

It is always necessary to know your skin type before tanning, because each skin type has an individual sensitivity to UV radiation and the tanning time must be adjusted based on the skin type and the degree of tanning. When visiting the solarium, have an individual tanning program created, which lists the tanning times, the number and frequency of visits.

TITLE Keltský typ (2%) Evropský se světlou kůží (12%) Evropský s tmavou kůží (78%) Středozemní typ (8%) severoafrický typ Jihoafrický typ
SKIN Velmi světlá Světlá Světlá až světle hnědá Světle hnědá, olivová Tmavě hnědá Velmi tmavá
FRECKLES Časté Občas Žádné Žádné Žádné Žádné
HAIR Rezavé, blond Blond až hnědé Tmavé blond až hnědé Tmavě hnědé Tmavé Tmavé, černé
EYES Modré, šedé Modré, zelené, šedé, hnědé Šedé, hnědé Tmavé Tmavé Tmavé, černé
COMBUSTION Vždy Téměř vždy Občas až málo Obtížné Velmi vzácné Velmi vzácné
TAN Nikdy Obtížné, lehce Postupně, dobře Rychle a hluboce Velmi rychle a hluboce Stále přítomné